Ultrasound Cavitation


What is it?

Fat is nature's way of storing excess energy but when we store too much, cellulite and bulges start showing up EVERYWHERE . Annoying right? We also dont all carry fat in the same places. Some start shoeing from the tummy first, others from  their face,  its really based on the persons unique genetics! And once we decide to start our diets and exercise, we also wont be able to choose where we lose the fat first. That's where Ultrasound Cavitation has the upper hand!

Cavitation is a 100% non-surgical method of reducing cellulite and localized fat and requires ZERO down time! This essentially means we get to choose where we're losing the fat. YAY! Ultrasound cavitation is also a safer alternative to surgical options like liposuction because it carries a lot of the same benefits without all the risks! 

How does it work?

This treatment involves applying pressure on our fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations/waves transmitted through the cavitation handle. When the vibrations reach our cells, the waves will form bubbles around our fat deposits. The pressure of this is strong enough to break down our fat cell contents into a liquid form which travels as "waste" through our lymphatic system and eventually leaves our body through urine and sweat! This process is completely natural to the body as its already programmed to do this, we just help speed up the process!